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What Is Normal Hdl Cholesterol

What Is Gender Expression

Heart Health : What Is the Normal Range for Cholesterol?

We all have something known as a gender expression. Many people associate women with having a feminine gender expression and men with having a masculine gender expression.

But as with gender identity, gender expression is a spectrum. Femininity and masculinity may be the bookmarks, but there are countless points in between and theyre open to anyone.

In Western cultures, stereotypically feminine traits include nurturing or caring for others, emotional vulnerability, and an overall docile demeanor.

Stereotypically masculine traits include the need to act as a protector, engaging in competitive or aggressive behavior, and a high libido.

Most of us possess both masculine and feminine traits. This means that someone who considers themself to have a fairly normative gender identity can still fall closer towards the middle in terms of gender expression.

For example, a cisgender woman can have a more masculine gender expression but still identify as a woman.

Sexual orientation has very little to do with your gender identity. Its solely about who youre attracted to.

People of all gender identities may identify as straight or as somewhere on the LGBQ+ spectrum.

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Fasting Before A Lipid Test

Although a lipid test can be done with or without fasting, you are more likely to get accurate results by fasting, especially if your triglycerides are going to be measured. This means you can have nothing but water for nine to 12 hours before the test.

Once your lipid levels are calculated, a simple mathematical calculation is used to determine your non-HDL levels.

Non-HDL-C is calculated by subtracting total cholesterol from HDL cholesterol. Total cholesterol is made up of triglycerides plus the combination of cholesterol from atherogenic lipoproteins which includes LDL, VLDL, IDL , and lipoprotein-a cholesterol.

Optimal non-HDL levels are below 130 mg/dL for both adult men and women.

Optimal HDL levels are 40 mg/dL for adult men and 50 mg/dL for adult women. Levels below this increase your risk of heart disease.

Optimum triglyceride levels are below 150 mg/dL. Triglyceride levels above 200 mg/dL are especially concerning, as studies show this greatly increases an individuals risk of developing atherosclerosis and heart disease.

How To Lower Cholesterol: Low

Low-carbohydrate diets may help improve HDL cholesterol levels. The National Institutes of Health conducted a study that found while both low-fat and low-carb dieters lost weight over the two-year study period, low-carb dieters also improved their HDL cholesterol levels. The problem with low-carb diets is that they may be difficult to adhere to. Consult your doctor about the best healthy eating plan to manage your cholesterol.

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How High Is Too High

In the past, studies showed that lower HDL levels raise the risk of diseases of the blood vessels, while high HDL levels were protective. They suggested that the lower the HDL, the higher the risk of serious events such as heart attack and stroke, and the higher the HDL, the lower the risk. This would mean that raising HDL would lower the risk of illness.

More recent research suggests that HDL levels above 1.4mmol/L may not offer extra protection. In some cases, very high HDL could even raise the risk of serious problems such as a heart attack or stroke.

Some studies also suggest that for people with high LDL cholesterol which is now well-controlled, raising your HDL with medicines does not lower the risk of serious problems such as heart attacks.

Learn about high HDL cholesterol

Healthy Fats You Can Eat

Normal Cholesterol Levels

Olive oil, nuts, seeds, and good fats, i.e. polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats, should be part of a balanced diet.

Cholesterol is a type of fat that occurs naturally in all cells and is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. There are two types of cholesterol: good cholesterol and bad cholesterol . The good cholesterol is transported by the blood from the liver to the necessary parts of the body, while the bad cholesterol is simply deposited in the arteries and must be closely monitored under the supervision of a physician. Avoiding smoking, exercising, and, most importantly, watching your diet are some of the basic measures to balance these levels by lowering the bad cholesterol and increasing the good cholesterol .

To control the enemy of the heart, the bad cholesterol, we must first eliminate fats and simple carbohydrates from the nutritional pyramid: animal fats , sweets, pastries, cookies, fried foods, bread crumbs, sugar . However, although many people are concerned about fat intake, a certain amount of fat is necessary for a balanced diet and to provide the body with the energy and nutrients it needs for important functions. However, not all fats affect the body in the same way. To avoid saturated fats, you should include polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats, known as good fats, in a balanced diet.

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Tips For Cholesterol Control In Children

Parents should not dwell on this issue and dont let their children be traumatized by something they dont understand. Controlling hypercholesterolemia in children is simple: a healthy diet, natural foods, and fresh foods low in animal saturated fats .

  • Reduce animal fats and eat more whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Drinking semi-skimmed milk or margarine is recommended. You also need to drink more water and plant fiber.
  • Active lifestyle. Very little use of television and computers. Avoid obesity and maintain your ideal weight.
  • Medication: Follow the instructions of your pediatrician. In children, the use of statins is limited and medication is usually not required.
  • Control: Control and monitoring of cholesterol levels are of utmost importance. Your pediatrician will order the necessary analytical tests and periodic checkups.

Getting Your Cholesterol Checked

Many people have never had their cholesterol checked, so they dont know whether they are at risk.

High cholesterol usually has no signs or symptoms.

The only way to know whether you have high cholesterol is to get your cholesterol checked. Your health care team can do a simple blood test, called a lipid profile, to measure your cholesterol levels.

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What Are The Types Of Cholesterol

Cholesterol moves throughout the body carried by lipoproteins in the blood. These lipoproteins include:

  • Low-density lipoprotein is one of the two main lipoproteins. LDL is often called the bad cholesterol.
  • High-density lipoprotein is the other main lipoprotein. HDL is often called the good cholesterol.
  • Very-low-density lipoproteins are particles in the blood that carry triglycerides.

What Are The Main Roles Of Hdl Cholesterol

Cholesterol: HDL vs. LDL

HDL cholesterol has a protective role against diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as heart attacks and strokes. The cholesterol itself is a fat, so its not the cholesterol that is protective, but the HDL lipoprotein as a whole.

HDL has three main effects

  • It removes excess cholesterol from the blood vessels and other tissues and returns it to the liver to be recycled or removed from the body.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps protect the artery walls against LDL cholesterol .
  • It has an anti-oxidant effect, which helps protect cells and important chemicals in the blood and tissues from being broken down.
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    What Do Your Cholesterol Results Mean

    When you have a cholesterol test, it is really important that your healthcare professional explains the results to you to prevent unnecessary worry and confusion.

    Its not just your total cholesterol thats important and your results will include different types of cholesterol. If you are only given your total cholesterol, ask for a break-down of the other numbers. Its possible to have a healthy total cholesterol number but an unhealthy balance of the different types of cholesterol.

    As a minimum, you should be given your total cholesterol and HDL numbers, then you can work out your ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol .

    You might also have your triglycerides tested, these are another type of blood fat which are linked to heart disease.

    Ask for a print out of your results if you are not able to speak to your GP, nurse or pharmacist.

    Your results should include:

    • Total cholesterol

    This is sometimes written as ‘serum cholesterol’ or ‘TC’ and refers to your overall level of cholesterol.

    • Non-HDL cholesterol

    Your non-HDL cholesterol is your total cholesterol minus your HDL cholesterol. Its all the ‘bad’ cholesterol added together, including your LDL cholesterol. Ideally it should be as low as possible.

    • HDL cholesterol
    • TC:HDL ratio

    You might be given a TC:HDL ratio, which is the ratio of HDL compared to the total cholesterol. If not, you can work it out from your HDL and total cholesterol numbers. This should be as low as possible. Above 6 is considered high.

    Normal Cholesterol Levels: By Age Ldl Hdl And More

    Do you know that you need to maintain normal cholesterol levels because it is an important indicator of optimal health?

    Good heart health is like a building block, It is cumulative and this is especially true when it comes to high cholesterol numbers.

    Cholesterol is a fatty substance that your liver makes and is also found in some foods.

    Moreover, your body needs it to function properly. However, having too much bad type of cholesterol i.e. low-density lipoprotein LDL puts you at a risk factor for heart attack or stroke.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, having high cholesterol raises your risk of heart disease.

    Your total cholesterol level is the overall amount of cholesterol found in your blood.

    It consists of:

    Lets discuss it in detail.

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    What Is The Hdl Cholesterol Blood Test For

    HDL cholesterol blood test is performed along with other lipid tests, including the measurement of total cholesterol LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides.

    Generally speaking, a high HDL cholesterol level is positive. It reduces the risk of suffering a cardiovascular disease. On the contrary, a low HDL cholesterol level increases the risk of suffering a cardiovascular disease

    In very exceptional circumstances, the HDL values can be very high . That is not positive for the health.

    Besides the HDL level in the blood, it is recommended to study the cholesterol ratio between the total cholesterol and the HDL cholesterol because a high level of HDL cholesterol will not be an enough protection against cardiovascular diseases if total cholesterol is very high.

    Cholesterol ratio = Total Cholesterol/ HDL Cholesterol.

    Cholesterol ratio should be below 4.5 in men and 4 in women.

    How Can I Lower My Serum Cholesterol

    healthy: Healthy Total Cholesterol Levels Mmoll

    A few changes in your diet can reduce cholesterol and improve your heart health:

  • Reduce saturated fats. Saturated fats, found primarily in red meat and full-fat dairy products, raise your total cholesterol.
  • Eliminate trans fats.
  • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Increase soluble fiber.
    • changes in your mood, sleep, or eating patterns.

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    When Should You Contact Your Healthcare Provider About Your Cholesterol Levels

    In truth, your healthcare provider will probably talk to you about your numbers first. As always, contact your provider if you have any new or worsening pain or other uncomfortable feelings. Make sure you know what medications you take and what they are expected to do. Call the provider if you have a reaction to the medicine.

    Before you go to the office, and after you have had a cholesterol test, it helps to have a list of questions prepared about your test results and any proposed treatment.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    When considering cholesterol numbers, its important to remember that you really have the ability to make those numbers go in your favor. What you choose to eat, how much you are able to move and how you deal with lifes ups and downs are things that you can influence.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/31/2020.


    What Are Normal Cholesterol Levels

    A normal total cholesterol level is less than 200. A normal LDL level is less than 130. A normal HDL level is higher than 35.

    A high HDL level is better. An HDL level higher than 60 is the best. HDL is called the good cholesterol because it helps remove cholesterol from your body. In this way, HDL helps prevent heart disease and stroke. Regular exercise is a good way to increase your HDL level.

    If your total cholesterol level is 200 to 239, you have a borderline level. The word borderline is used because levels of 200 to 239 are close to being high. A total cholesterol of 240 or above is a high level.

    If your LDL level is 130 to 159, you have a borderline level. If your LDL level is 160 or higher, you have a high level.

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    Ldl Cholesterol: ‘bad’ Cholesterol

    Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol, is the type that tends to deposit on the walls of the arteries. White blood cells combine with the LDL cholesterol, forming artery-narrowing plaque, which restricts blood flow. The optimal level of LDL cholesterol for most people is 100 mg/dL or lower. If you have heart disease, you may need to strive for LDL levels of 70 mg/dL or lower.

    Your Test Results: A Preview

    What Are Normal Cholesterol Levels, Triglyceride Levels & Healthy Cholesterol Ratios?

    Your test results will show your cholesterol levels in milligrams per deciliter of blood . Your total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are among numerous factors your doctor can use to predict your lifetime or 10-year risk for a heart attack or stroke. Your doctor will also consider other risk factors, such as age, family history, smoking status, diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Lipid profile or lipid panel is a blood test that will give you results for your HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and total blood cholesterol.

    Watch an animation about cholesterol score.

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    When Should I Get An Hdl Cholesterol Test

    Whether an HDL cholesterol test is appropriate depends on your specific circumstances.

    As a screening test, there are no universally agreed-upon recommendations regarding how often to measure cholesterol levels. In general, screening is started earlier for people with risk factors such as high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease at an earlier age. Ongoing cholesterol testing may occur more often in people with one or more of these risk factors.

    People without an elevated risk for cardiovascular problems usually start screening at a later age and often have longer intervals between cholesterol tests.

    Every individual should talk with their doctor about the most appropriate screening plan in their specific situation. An overview of common recommendations for cholesterol screening are listed in the table below:

    Demographic Group
    With or without risk factors Annually

    Screening is frequently done with a lipid panel, especially for an initial test. However, some screening may be done with only a total cholesterol and HDL-C measurement.

    Although principally used to detect cardiovascular issues, abnormalities in HDL cholesterol can occur with other health problems affecting the thyroid, pancreas, or liver. As a result, cholesterol testing may be involved in the diagnostic process for a range of medical conditions.

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    What Is The Most Important Cholesterol Number

    When we measure cholesterol and blood fats, were really talking about three different numbers: HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. They combine to give you a lipid profile score, but the three individual scores are most important. Here are the numbers to strive for: Total cholesterol of 200 mg/dL or lower.

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    Understanding What Your Cholesterol Levels Mean

    Medical professionals typically perform cholesterol levels testing among the battery of medical check-ups. They do so because high cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia is a popular medical condition that may considerably have an impact on your heart and overall health. To evaluate your blood cholesterol levels, your physician is going to perform a blood test known as a lipid panel, as well as a lipid profile. It is recommended to not eat or drink anything, apart from water, for approximately 9 hours before the exam to ensure correct evaluation results., while recent studies suggest that it is not necessary. With this guide, you will understand what your results mean. You will know about the total cholesterol, the HDL, the LDL, the triglycerides and even a less popular lipoprotein such as the VLDL. Keep reading!

    What Can I Do If My Hdl Cholesterol Level Is Low

    Whatâs good cholesterol level ~ How to lower cholesterol naturally

    If your HDL is low, you can take several steps to boost your HDL level and reduce your heart disease risk:

    • Exercise. Aerobic exercise for 30 to 60 minutes on most days of the week can help pump up HDL.
    • Quit smoking. Tobacco smoke lowers HDL, and quitting can increase HDL levels.
    • Keep a healthy weight. Besides improving HDL levels, avoiding obesity reduces risk for heart disease and multiple other health conditions.

    In certain cases, your doctor may recommend medication to improve your cholesterol level. Remember that multiple factors besides cholesterol contribute to heart disease. Diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, and genetics are all important as well.

    Because so many factors contribute to heart disease, cholesterol isn’t everything. People with normal HDL cholesterol can have heart disease. And people with low HDL levels can have healthy hearts. Overall, though, people who have low HDL cholesterol will have greater risk of developing heart disease than people with high HDL levels.

    Experts recommend follow-up cholesterol testing every five years for most people. People with abnormal lipid panels, or who have other risk factors, may need more frequent cholesterol tests.

    If you have high cholesterol or low HDL levels, take steps to increase HDL cholesterol such as eating right, exercising regularly, and not smoking. Lifestyle changes can make a big difference for most people and may prevent heart disease and stroke.

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