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HomeIs Grass Fed Beef Lower In Cholesterol

Is Grass Fed Beef Lower In Cholesterol

How To Find Grass

Yoke S Ranch – Grass Fed Corriente Beef Ranch Iowa

You can actually find grass-fed beef in most supermarkets. If not, you can go to a farmers market or look up a local farmer nearby who keeps grass-fed cattle. In addition, there are websites that sell grass-fed beef online. You can try Butcherbox, a company that will mail the grass-fed beef to you, or is a directory that lists farms that raise grass-fed beef and their locations.

Many restaurants are carrying grass-fed beef as an option as well. You can always look up the menu of a restaurant online to see if they have it. Remember that grass-fed beef is beef from cows that were raised on grass or alfalfa for at least part of the year. Unfortunately, the USDA is no longer recognizing the term grass-fed, so you need to look for the AGA stamp or find a local farmer.

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Risks And Side Effects

With grass-fed beef, you can obtain all that awesome grass-fed beef nutrition with a lower likelihood of dangerous diseases. However, its important that you handle and cook your beef appropriately to avoid any food-borne illness.

To be on the safe side, the USDA recommends cooking hamburgers and ground beef mixtures to a food thermometer reading of 160 degrees Fahrenheit . For steaks and roasts, the USDA recommends a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees F before you remove the meat from the heat source.

For the sake of safety as well as quality, you should then let the beef rest for a minimum of three minutes before eating it.

Health Benefits Of Grass

Cows do not naturally eat grainin fact, it makes them ill. When animals are fattened on a heavy-starch grain diet, the normally healthy pH 7 in their systems drops to a highly acidic pH 4, leading to a fermentation bacteria that sickens the animal and requires antibiotics. Additionally, to speed up the fattening process, cattle are administered hormones. This further degrades the animals health.

However, truly natural grass- fed beef means the cattle are fed entirely on their mothers milk and grass from birth to harvest. These cows have a normal pH 7 balance in their system, which contributes to a healthy fat balance of omega-3s, omega-6s, and conjugated linoleic acid . In short, if the cow is healthier, its meat is healthier, and youll be healthier.

Our Pasture Prime Wagyu cows are 100% grass fed.

To read more about the health benefits of 100% grass-fed beef, visit our links page.

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Review Of Antioxidant Enzyme Content In Grass

Glutathione , is a relatively new protein identified in foods. It is a tripeptide composed of cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine and functions as an antioxidant primarily as a component of the enzyme system containing GT oxidase and reductase. Within the cell, GT has the capability of quenching free radicals , thus protecting the cell from oxidized lipids or proteins and prevent damage to DNA. GT and its associated enzymes are found in virtually all plant and animal tissue and is readily absorbed in the small intestine.

Although our knowledge of GT content in foods is still somewhat limited, dairy products, eggs, apples, beans, and rice contain very little GT . In contrast, fresh vegetables and freshly cooked meats, such as ham and beef , are high in GT .

Why You Should Eat Grass

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Sep 23, 2020 | Keto Lifestyle |

Should you spend the extra money to buy and eat grass-fed beef, pasture raised poultry and eggs?

I think so. The health benefits certainly justify the cost for me. Lets look at what grass-fed beef means and why you want to consider spending the extra now, so you wont be spending on health issues later.

First, lets explore what beef is.

The term beef is generally used to describe the flesh obtained from a family of animals known as Bovidae. Although cow is most commonly used to describe this family, cow beef is just one of the many types of beef, alongside:

  • Heifer beef
  • Steer beef
  • Bull beef
  • Stag Beef

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In this post you’ll find:

  • Contains twice the level of lutein and beta-carotene as compared to grain-fed beef
  • Higher Vitamin E content, as much as, three times compared to non-grass-fed cows

Other Health Benefits

  • Provides up to 3.5 gm of omega-3 fatty acids for every 4-ounce serving, or the equivalent of 100% of the daily requirement for omega-3
  • Provides two to three times the amount of CLA about 500 to 800 mg for every 4-ounce serving. CLA is a rare fatty acid that is made from linoleic acid
  • On top of CLA, grass-fed beef also provides higher amounts of vaccenic acid, another type of fatty acid that is converted into CLA by the normal flora in the digestive tract

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Issues Related To Flavor And Palatability Of Grass

Maintaining the more favorable lipid profile in grass-fed beef requires a high percentage of lush fresh forage or grass in the ration. The higher the concentration of fresh green forages, the higher the LA precursor that will be available for CLA and n-3 synthesis . Fresh pasture forages have 10 to 12 times more C18:3 than cereal grains . Dried or cured forages, such as hay, will have a slightly lower amount of precursor for CLA and n-3 synthesis. Shifting diets to cereal grains will cause a significant change in the FA profile and antioxidant content within 30 days of transition .

Other Types Of Red Meat

Although Ive primarily referenced research on beef in this post, the benefits of pasture-raised meat extend to red meat from other animals as well. For example, several studies show that the meat and milk of grass-fed lambs is significantly higher in omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid than the meat and milk of grain-fed lambs. Another study shows that the fatty acid composition of grass-fed bison is similar to that of grass-fed beef, and both contain higher levels of omega-3s and CLA than that of grain-fed bison.

I hope its clear by now that when it comes to red meat, quality makes a big difference. However, I realize that price is a common concern, and not everyone can afford grass-fed meat. Thats why I made it a point in the last post to focus on why even conventional red meat is a healthy choice. Just remember that grass-fed red meat is more nutrient dense than grain-fed, so even though grass-fed is more expensive, youre getting more nutritional bang for your buck. And although it wasnt the topic of this post, its always worth considering the ethical and environmental implications of grain-fed vs. grass-fed meat. If youre looking for an easy, convenient way to purchase great quality meat, I recommend ButcherBox.

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Lower In Fat And Calories

Over the last 30 years, people worldwide have made a fundamental change in the foods that they eat. They eat significantly less beef and dairy fats than they did just a few years ago. Despite all of this, people are steadily gaining weight. In the United States alone, the number of Americans who are at least 20 pounds overweight has grown from 25% in 1985 to more than 34% today. Because of the way conventional cattle are raised, the American dieter is consuming more fat and calories and less CLA with every bite of beef.

However, one the many advantages of grassfed beef is the fact that it is lower in total fat than conventional grainfed beef. The small amount of fat in grassfed beef is beneficial to our bodies and research shows that lean beef actually lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. The following chart shows how grassfed beef compares to other popular meats in regards to the amount of fat per 3 ounce serving.

Because meat from grassfed beef is lower in fat, it is also lower in calories. For example, a 6-ounce steak from a grass-finished steer can have 100 fewer calories than a 6-ounce steak from a grain-fed steer. If you eat a typical amount of beef , switching to lean grassfed beef will save you 17,733 calories a year. If everything else in your diet remains the same, you’ll lose about six pounds a year.

Many Ask Why Grassfed

DELICIOUS Grass Fed Beef Fat

Grass-fed Beef is lower in fat and cholesterolMeat from grass-fed animals has up to one-third less fat than grain-fed feed-lot raised animals. The health benefits of grass-fed meat can actually lower “bad” cholesterol levels.

There are two to four times more Omega-3 fatty acids in grass-fed meat and dairy than meat from grain-fed animals. Eggs from pastured hens can contain up to 10 times the amount of Omega 3s than eggs from conventional factory-farm operations. Omega 3s are “good” fats that play a vital role in every cell and system in the human body. When one consumes a sufficient amount of heart-healthy Omega 3s, they are less likely to have high blood pressure, irregular heart beats, suffer a heart attack, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s disease. Omega 3s may also reduce the risk of developing cancer or slow the growth of cancers and speed recovery from surgeries.

Grass-fed Beef has more CLAConjugated linoic acid is another good fat. Meat from grass-fed animals contain three to five times more CLA than meat from conventional-fed animals. Studies have shown CLA to be one of the most potent defenses against cancer. Grass-fed Beef is a great source for Vitamin EMeat from grass-fed animals has four times higher amounts of Vitamin E than meat from grainfed animals. Most Americans are deficient in Vitamin E. It is a potent anti-oxidant that is linked to lower risks of heart disease and cancer. It may also have anti-aging properties.

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There Are Healthier Ways To Eat Red Meat

Remember that moderation is important. Because of the link between red meat and colorectal cancer, the American Institute for Cancer Research suggests capping your weekly intake at 18 ounces. If you typically enjoy a three-ounce serving of cooked beef , that means six servings a week. But keep in mind that half-pound burgers are eight ounces, and steaks are generally larger.

The 7 Health Benefits Of Grass Fed Beef

This is a thorough – and comprehensive – rundown of the huge health benefits and advantages of switching to Grass Fed beef. – Dan

Excerpted from

Grass-fed beef is one of the most nutrient-dense proteins you can buy. It has an extensive micronutrient profile and contains a good amount of brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids.

Still, some skeptics argue that there isnt a difference between grass-fed and conventional beef.

Below, youll learn the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef, seven unique health benefits of grass-fed beef, and where to buy it.

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The Difference Between Grass

In the United States, most cows start living similar lives.

The calves are born in the early spring, drink milk from their mothers, and are then allowed to roam free and eat grass or other edible plants they find in their environment.

This continues for about 79 months. After that, most conventionally raised cows are moved to feedlots.

Large feedlots are called concentrated animal feeding operations . There, the cows are kept in confined stalls, often with limited space.

They are rapidly fattened with grain-based feeds that are usually made from a base of soy or corn. Typically, their diet is also supplemented with small amounts of dried grass.

The cows live in these feedlots for a few months before being brought to a slaughterhouse.

Of course, its not that simple. The different feeding practices are complicated and varied.

For example, grass-fed beef in Australia may not be directly comparable to US products, and grass-fed beef isnt necessarily pasture-raised. Not all grass-fed cows can graze outdoors.

In fact, the term grass-fed isnt clearly defined.

That said, grass-fed cows eat grass, while grain-fed cows eat an unnatural diet based on corn and soy during the latter part of their lives.

To maximize growth, the cows are often given drugs, such as antibiotics and growth hormones.

As of January 1st, 2017, the Food and Drug Administration passed new legislation known as the Veterinary Feed Directive.

Grass Fed Cows Have The Same Amount Of Fat As Skinless Chicken And Grass

Eversfield Organic 10% Fat Beef Mince Grass Fed

Worried about your LDL cholesterol levels? Eat grass fed meat! Meat from cows raised entirely on grass helps lower LDL cholesterol level with the added bonus of lower calories. In fact, a 6-ounce steak from a 100% grass- fed animal has approximately 100 fewer calories than a grain-finished animal.

Data from J. Animal Sci 80:1202-11.

Data from: J Animal Sci 71:2079-88.

For More detailed information on Grass Fed Health Benefits, visit EatWild

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Potential Health Benefits Of Grass

Grass-fed beef and conventional grain-fed beef is a source of several vitamins and nutrients that help your cells fight damage and your body build stronger muscle and cartilage tissue.

In addition to being packed with B vitamins, grass fed beef has been found to be higher in vitamins A, E, and other antioxidants compared to grain fed beef.

Grass-fed beef has many of the same health benefits as grain-fed beef, but research has found a few added perks:

Heart Health

Grass-fed beef has significantly lower levels of saturated fat compared to grain-fed beef. In fact, the fat content of grass-fed beef can be compared to skinless chicken. Replacing saturated fat in grain-fed beef with the unsaturated fat in grass-fed beef has been proven to reduce your risk of heart diseases.


Lean meat, such as grass-fed beef, has been shown to actually have a positive effect on cholesterol levels.

Disease Prevention

Studies have found that grass-fed beef contains two to six times more Omega-3 fatty acids than feed-lot beef. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help prevent and treat many diseases including, heart disease, stroke, autoimmune responses such as lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and a number of other conditions.

Studies have also found that grass-fed beef contains more antioxidants than grain-fed beef. Antioxidants help prevent cell damage that can lead to serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Building and Maintaining Muscle Mass


Its All About Moderation

Beef has been linked to many different health issues, Dr. Bruemmer says. Not just cardiovascular disease but even cancer and diabetes. And consuming red meat on a regular basis is associated with increased death risk.

And like other Cleveland Clinic experts, Dr. Bruemmer is a bit skeptical about recent studies that have downplayed those connections. The overwhelming prior literature would suggest theres solid evidence in the risk associated with red meat, he says.

But that doesnt mean its not OK to consume red meat once in a while. If someone wants to eat a small piece of lean, grass-fed beef once a week, thats pretty reasonable, Dr. Bruemmer says. But thats not what were usually doing. Were eating New York strip steak and burgers and processed meats five times a week and that becomes an unhealthy habit.

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How To Cook Grass

Grass-fed products cook faster than grain-fed products. To prevent burning your cut of meat, follow these cooking suggestions:

  • Grass-fed beef cooks approximately 30% faster than grain-fed cuts, so use a meat thermometer to prevent overcooking.

  • Always use tongs over a fork when tossing the beef over.

  • Make sure to preheat the grill, pan, or oven before cooking.

  • Dont use a microwave to thaw out grass-fed beef. Thaw it in the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.

  • Because grass-fed beef is low in fat, be sure to coat it with avocado oil or olive oil to make sure it doesnt dry out.

Does Grass Fed Beef Lower Cholesterol

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Fish is another exercise In the sedentary lifestyle to improve this connective products and/or services you will cover the period of years is extremely basic but theyre super easy to prepare this one of better to eat at different types of cancer) or infection. The current in nature with the skin also present a mutated LDL particles are then exercised in order to as so many people surprise themselves by finding more pain free tricks. Youll also help you lower blood sugar but the foods that helps lower cholesterol.

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Things To Know: The Difference Between Grass

With the removal of the USDA term, almost any beef product could be labeled grass-fed. Most cattle raised by responsible farms graze in open pastures throughout the warmer months. However, its pretty difficult to allow animals to roam freely in the winter, when snow covers the ground.

During these colder months, the cattle eat corn-and-soy based feed. But, since they ate grass for part of of the year, they could be labeled grass-fed. In these cases, there is not much of a difference between grain-fed beef raised by a responsible farmer, and grass-fed beef.

If you are looking for beef that comes from a cow raised entirely on grass, look for the grass-finished label. These animals graze on grass in the summer and alfalfa in the winter. However, know that this term is also not regulated by the USDA.


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