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Is Honey Good For Cholesterol

What Is Manuka Honey

Take Raw Honey to Improve Cholesterol Levels and Lower Triglycerides ð?¯

Manuka honey is one of the latest ââ¬Ësuperfood’ fads to hit the supermarket shelves. This type of honey is produced when bees collect nectar from manuka trees. Its difference? A study in New Zealand found that even when the, usually important, ingredient of hydrogen peroxide was removed, manuka honey still held onto its antibacterial properties.

So reliable as a natural antibiotic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory, in some instances manuka honey has been medically approved as a treatment option. In the US, the FDA list manuka honey as an option for treating wounds.

May Improve Heart Health

Honey may also help prevent heart disease.

According to one review, honey may help lower blood pressure, improve blood fat levels, regulate your heartbeat, and prevent the death of healthy cells all factors that can improve your heart function and health .

One observational study including over 4,500 people over age 40 associated a moderate honey intake with a lower risk of high blood pressure among women (

8 ).

Additionally, raw honey typically contains propolis, a type of resin that bees produce from sap-producing trees and similar plants. Propolis may improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels .

All told, theres no long-term human study available on honey and heart health. More research is needed to better understand honeys effects on heart health.


Honey has been linked to beneficial effects on heart health, including reduced blood pressure and blood fat levels. Still, more human research is needed on the topic.

How Can Honey Help

Science is emerging that shows that consuming high-quality active honey for healing can help lower bad LDL cholesterol and therefore total cholesterol, but it can also raise good HDL cholesterol levels.

The powerful antioxidants called flavonoids that are naturally present in active healing honey are believed to be responsible for these heart health benefits. Chemical processes are constantly occurring in the body. One of these processes is LDL oxidation, which means that chemical reactions cause LDL molecules to lose electrons and become unstable.

Oxidized LDL forms plaque and is more likely to clog arteries. Studies have shown that the flavonoids in honey can prevent the oxidation of LDL. Therefore, consuming honey can help reduce the dangers of high LDL levels and allow you to live a healthier life.

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May Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease

A mixture of honey and cinnamon has the potential to lower your risk of heart disease, as it may help reduce several of its risk factors.

These include elevated LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

High blood pressure and low levels of HDL cholesterol are additional factors that can increase your risk of the disease.

Interestingly, honey and cinnamon may positively affect all of these.

Studies have shown that consuming honey lowers LDL cholesterol by 611% and lowers triglyceride levels by as much as 11%. Honey may also increase HDL cholesterol by about 3% (

Consuming honey and cinnamon together can give you a powerful dose of antioxidants.


The combo of honey and cinnamon may offer some benefits, such as improving your heart health, treating wounds, and helping manage diabetes.

Potential Health Risks Of Consuming Honey

The best medicine to fight cholesterol and high blood pressure

It is the total diet or overall eating pattern that is most important in disease prevention and achieving good health. It is better to eat a diet with variety than to concentrate on individual foods as the key to good health.

Honey is still a form of sugar and intake should be moderate. The American Heart Association recommends that women get no more than 100 calories a day from added sugars men no more than 150 calories a day. This is a little over two tablespoons for women and three tablespoons for men.

Honey may contain botulinum endospores that cause infant botulism, a rare but serious type of food poisoning that can result in paralysis. Even pasteurized honey has a chance of containing these spores. For this reason, it is recommended that infants under 1 year do not consume honey.

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Health Benefits Of Adding Honey To Your Diet

Since ancient times, honey has been used as both a food and a medicine.

Its very high in beneficial plant compounds and offers several health benefits.

Honey is particularly healthy when used instead of refined sugar, which is 100 percent empty calories.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of honey that are supported by science.

1. Honey Contains Some Nutrients

Honey is a sweet, thick liquid made by honeybees.

The bees swarm their environment and collect the sugar-rich nectar of flowers .

Then inside the beehive, they repeatedly consume, digest and regurgitate the nectar.

The end product is honey, a liquid that is supposed to serve as stored food for the bees. The smell, color and taste depend on the types of flowers the bees visit.

This is what honey typically looks like:

Nutritionally, 1 tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar, including fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.

It contains virtually no fiber, fat or protein .

It also contains trace amounts of several vitamins and minerals, but you would have to eat many pounds to fulfill your daily requirements.

Where honey shines is in its content of bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants. Darker types tend to be even higher in these compounds than lighter types .

Bottom Line: Honey is thick, sweet liquid made by honeybees. It is low in vitamins and minerals, but may be high in some plant compounds.

2. High-Quality Honey is Rich in Antioxidants

The evidence on honey and diabetes is mixed.

Nutritional Value Of Lemon Juice

Lemon juice not only quenches your thirst but offers a load of nutrients. A single cup delivers 187 percent of the RDA of vitamin C, 8 percent of the RDA of folate, 9 percent of the RDA of potassium and 2 percent of the RDA of calcium. It also provides vitamin A, vitamin E, thiamin and manganese.

This refreshing beverage is loaded with antioxidants that protect your cells and tissues from free radical damage. Flavonoids, for instance, exhibit anti-inflammatory properties and strengthen your immune system. According to the Journal of Nutritional Science, these compounds modulate the brain’s enzyme and receptor systems, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. They have also been linked to lower rates of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke and diabetes.

The vitamin C in lemon juice reduces free radical levels in your body, which may help slow the aging process. Free radicals contribute to heart disease, cancer and inflammation, so this nutrient may lower your risk of developing these conditions. Furthermore, it plays a key role in iron absorption, tissue repair, wound healing and skin health. Even the slightest deficiency can lead to bleeding gums, anemia, gingivitis and impaired immune function.

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Is Garlic Good For Your Heart

Most of us are familiar with garlic, the strong-smelling bulb frequently used in cooking. But what you might not know is that eating garlic may protect your heart from changes that lead to heart disease.

As you age, some hardening of the arteries is normal. This is called atherosclerosis and occurs as fatty deposits made up of cholesterol and other substances build up on the inside of your artery walls. Factors such as smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol can make it worse. As the build-up increases over time, the arteries narrow. This can make you susceptible to heart attacks and strokes.

Researchers have linked garlic intake with keeping blood vessels flexible, especially in women. In addition, studies suggest that eating garlic may reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

Garlic is a key ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, an eating style that heart doctors often recommend. It can be used in any number of savory dishes.

Meal tip: Pair fresh or powdered garlic with olive oil and pepper to flavor vegetables or use it with rosemary to make a tasty meat rub. You can sprinkle it in soups and salad dressings, too.

Return Of Cheerioats For 80th Anniversary

Fresh turmeric pickle for diabetes/Weight loss/Cancer/Glowing skin/Cholesterol/Liver/Flues/Pains

Beginning in July 2021, a limited re-release of Cheerios cereal was made across North American markets with the reuse of the original brand name Cheerioats instead of Cheerios. Cheerioats used the same ingredients as modern day Cheerios, but was repackaged in a throwback campaign to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Cheerios cereals being sold .

  • Cheerios and Xs

This is multigrain that delivers a perfectly blended and balanced combination of nutrition and taste. Comprising of 5 whole grains and essential nutrients it helps get you through the day robustly. The whole grains are grown, milled, and toasted before being lightly sweetened. They are enhanced with extra vitamins & minerals, to give you more of the good side of nutrition.

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Improves Gut Health And Treat Acid Reflux

An unhealthy gut can spoil both your physical and mental health. Honey is a strong natural antiseptic. Consumption of honey on an empty stomach can destroy germs in your belly and heals the small wounds of your mucous membrane. The antibacterial properties of honey can help your digestive tract get rid of harmful bacteria like E. coli and salmonella.

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Honey is naturally rich in hydrogen peroxide that prevents Helicobacter pylori which is responsible for dyspepsia, gastric ulcers, and similar kind of stomach diseases in the human body. It is also found that the application of honey instead of sugar in processed food can improve stomach health in two ways: improving the microflora and restraining the detrimental effects of mycotoxins.

By virtue of its anti-inflammatory properties, honey has great natural wound-healing power that can potentially control the chest pain and stomach pain caused by acid agitating esophagus the muscular tube which joins your throat with your stomach. According to the Indian Journal of Medical Research, the sticky property of honey facilitates this process. If you are suffering from acid reflux quite often consume Honey regularly.

Regular consumption of Honey boosts up your metabolism power that may help weight loss. What is more? Removing toxins from your body, honey can clear up skin.

Read DIY Honey Face Mask Recipe to Get a Glowing Skin in Quarantine

Honey Benefits: What Happens To Your Body When You Consume Honey

Dhaka July 01, 04:58 PM Rifat Tabassam – UNB staff writer

Health benefits of Honey

Health benefits of Honey

Honey is a sweet substance that bestows countless benefits to the human mind and body. It is still a wonder how a colony of honey bees collect this elixir from the nectar of various flowering plants. Read this article to know the benefits of honey consumption every day.

We will also focus on the risk of honey if consumed in excess amount.

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Choosing The Right Type Of Honey

While there are multiple types of honey from manuka to clover one isnt necessarily better than the other for topical application or oral intake.

However, it is best for your health to opt for raw honey. Raw honey is unprocessed and can be purchased at health food stores and vitamin shops.

It is best to always try to use raw, organic honey with no preservatives, added sugar, or any other types of additives, says Selvakumar. Thats because processing honey can remove some of its beneficial nutrients and antioxidants.

Regardless of the honey or sweetener you choose, the American Heart Association recommends men consume no more than nine teaspoons of added sugar a day and women six teaspoons to prevent heart disease.

Promotes Burn And Wound Healing

Honey And Cinnamon

Topical honey treatment has been used to heal wounds and burns since ancient Egypt. The practice is still common today.

A review of 26 studies on honey and wound care found it most effective at healing partial-thickness burns and wounds that have become infected after surgery .

Honey is also an effective treatment for diabetes-related foot ulcers, which are serious complications that can lead to amputation.

One study including people with diabetes-related foot ulcers reported a 43.3% success rate with honey as a wound treatment. In another study, topical honey healed an impressive 97% of participants diabetes-related ulcers (

14 ).

Manuka honey is considered especially effective at treating burns. However, if you have a severe burn, you should seek medical attention immediately .


When applied to the skin, honey can be part of an effective treatment plan for burns, wounds, and many other skin conditions. Its particularly effective for diabetes-related foot ulcers.

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Is Honey Good For You Or Bad

Honey is often marketed as a healthy alternative to regular sugar.

This is largely due to the numerous health benefits associated with it and its antioxidant content.

However, while some claim that honey can be a delicious and nutritious way to help satisfy your sweet tooth, others dismiss it as little more than a high-sugar indulgence.

This article tells you whether honey is good or bad for you.

Honey Benefits: Can Honey Affect Your Cholesterol

Honey, made by bees from the nectars of flowering plants, is regarded as a sweet, viscous liquid composed of glucose, fructose and other nutrients. It’s been used as a therapeutic agent for a number of ailments, but the jury is still out on its usefulness in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.

âRead more:â Good and Bad Effects From Eating Honey

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Potential Health Benefits Of Honey And Cinnamon

Considering that both honey and cinnamon have health benefits individually, it is unsurprising that they are also helpful when paired. The extent of these benefits is still being researched. Here are some of the benefits of honey and cinnamon that scientists have discovered.

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Individually, both honey and cinnamon may lower risks of developing heart disease. Honey has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels by 6%, triglyceride levels by 11%, and potentially boost HDL cholesterol levels.

Cinnamon, in turn, has been shown to reduce total cholesterol levels.

Since high cholesterol is linked to an increased risk of developing heart disease, the cholesterol-reducing effects of both honey and cinnamon together may reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Heal Wounds

Honey has been shown to help heal wounds, including foot ulcers caused as a complication of diabetes.

Cinnamon may also help heal wounds. A test-tube study found that cinnamon oil helped protect wounds against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, further studies are needed to determine whether these effects would be helpful outside of a lab.

Arthritis Treatment

Cure for Bladder Infections

Studies have shown that a mixture of honey and cinnamon can kill germs in the bladder. If youâre suffering from a bladder infection, a mixture of honey and cinnamon may provide a cure.

Honey Or Cinnamon But Not Both May Confer Some Health Benefit


Many studies involving honey or cinnamon have not focused on their combined action. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey has shown promise in wound care and fighting off catheter-associated UTIs. More rigorous studies are needed to conclude its helpfulness in alleviating eczema, ringworm, or acne but its generally agreed salving on some of the natural sweetener doesnt hurt.

Studies have found cinnamon could potentially lower fasting blood glucose and blood pressure in Type 2 diabetics. Levels of LDL, total cholesterol and HDL may also improve but are subject to further study. Additionally, cinnamon may protect against stomach ulcers, Alzheimers disease, increase life span, prevent hepatitis C viral entry and improve arthritic pain. Most results are derived from animal models, in vitro studies, or from small sample sizes and would require detailed investigation.

The claim of honey and cinnamon for oral hygiene, however, may be substantiated. One 2017 study found that honey and cinnamon appear to work together to fight against Streptococcus mutans, a bacterium known for its role in tooth decay.

There are no studies indicating honey and cinnamon effective in curing hearing loss, fatigue, or increasing life span in human subjects. While honey and cinnamon may soothe symptoms of the common cold or the flu, they cannot kill influenza germs as the Facebook post claims.

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Eat Honey And Put The Kibosh On Pesky Hangovers

Hangovers are the worst. A fun night out can deplete us, dehydrate us, and keep us in bed for the whole day with the blanket over our heads. We know that sweating it out in the gym can be helpful, but, on those days when leaving the house sounds like the worst idea ever, our old pal honey can step in as a cure.

There is evidence that honey actually aids in the metabolic process of alcohol in the system. A 2009 study on fructose and alcohol metabolization found that results show that the administered dose of fructose significantly reduced the duration of alcohol intoxication by 30.7%, and accelerated the elimination of alcohol from bloodstream by 44.7%. Additionally, Kevin Strang, Ph.D., a physiology professor at University of Wisconsin Madison, told Cosmopolitan that the sugars found in the delicious hangover cure of a honey-covered banana send glucose to the bloodstream quickly so you feel less irritable. So maybe try to eat honey next time youre fighting a hangover.

Antioxidants In Honey Fight Cholesterol

Most cholesterol is LDL/bad cholesterol which can narrow the arteries and clog the blood vessels that supply the vital organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys and intestines. This is why its so important to start paying attention to our cholesterol levels by maintaining a healthy weight, keeping an exercise regimen to strengthen your heart, avoiding foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fat and following a low fat diet that contains many low-cholesterol foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains , legumes , and fish. When you eat more of these carbohydrate-rich foods, you will eat less of the foods higher in fat and cholesterol.

Not only is honey free of cholesterol, it has been reported that adding small amounts of it in the daily diet could even help keep cholesterol levels in check. High in minerals such as potassium, calcium and sodium and B complex vitamins, honey is known to be a cholesterol fighter honey can lower the cholesterol levels in our blood. The antioxidants in honey prevent cholesterol from being moved out of the blood and into the lining of the blood vessels. Daily consumption of this natural sweetener could raise blood levels of protective antioxidant compounds in the body.

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