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HomeHealthIs Hyperlipidemia The Same As High Cholesterol

Is Hyperlipidemia The Same As High Cholesterol

Difference Between Hyperlipidemia And Hypercholesterolemia

Hyperlipidemia (High Cholesterol)

Hyperlipidemia vs Hypercholesterolemia

Many think that hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia are synonymous. But they are not. Hypercholesterolemia may be considered as a type of hyperlipidemia. This article will discuss hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia and the differences between them in detail.

Food we eat contains carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and minerals. Gastro intestinal system breaks down these compounds down to its constituent molecules. Carbohydrates get broken down to simple sugars. Proteins get broken down to amino acids. Lipids get broken down to fatty acids and glycerol. Body can also synthesize new body lipids from fatty acids and glycerol. Body contains three types of fats. They are structural fats, neutral fats and brown fats. Structural fats are an inherent component of membranes. Neutral fats get stored in fat tissue. Brown fat, commonly found in infants, helps maintain body heat.

What is the difference between Hypercholesterolemia and Hyperlipidemia?

Hypercholesterolemia is above normal levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Hyperlipidemia is above normal lipid levels in the blood.

Hyperlipidemia includes lipoproteins, lipids, cholesterol and cholesterol esters.

Hypercholesterolemia is less harmful than other hyperlipidemias.

Studies Reveal An Unhealthy Partnership

Researchers have known for a while that high blood cholesterol can lead to high blood pressure. In 2002, they separated participants into three groups according to their cholesterol levels . They then tested blood pressure under various conditions of rest and exercise.

The results, which were published in the Journal of Human Hypertension , showed that those with higher cholesterol levels had significantly higher blood pressure levels during exercise than those with lower cholesterol levels. The researchers concluded that even mildly increased cholesterol levels could influence blood pressure. They added that cholesterol seems to mess up how blood vessels contract and release, which can also affect the pressure needed to push blood through them.

A later study, published in the Journal of Hypertension , found similar results. Researchers analyzed data from 4,680 participants aged 40 to 59 years from 17 different areas in Japan, China, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They looked at blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diet over the previous 24 hours. The results showed that cholesterol was directly related to blood pressure for all participants.

Results showed the following:

The same researchers did a similar test on women with a follow-up of about 11 years, and found comparable results. Their study was published in .Healthy women with higher levels of cholesterol were more likely to develop hypertension down the road than those with lower levels of cholesterol.

Deterrence And Patient Education

All patients diagnosed with hyperlipidemia must understand how the disease affects their organs and the health risks that it may pose. A proper diet, smoking cessation, and lifestyle modifications should always be discussed. If pharmacological therapy is necessary, discussion of the risks and benefits of each medication should be explored before initiation. The primary care physician and pharmacist alike have a duty to educate the patient on medication compliance, side effects, interactions, and the overall risks versus benefits of the medications prescribed. The patient must also understand the potential risks related to not taking the medication and what alternatives they may have as treatment options.

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How Do You Diagnose Dyslipidemia

The diagnosis of dyslipidemia needs a lipid profile that determines the specific lipid abnormality within the person. It will require the patient to fast from the previous night at least 12 hours, and then, a blood sample will be analyzed.

However, it is essential to highlight that a blood sample of a patient that is not fasting will only change the triglycerides analysis. While still the total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol because they do not significantly differ in people that just recently ate will be without meaningful modifications because of it. Therefore, in this condition, both of them are ready for analysis.

The laboratory tests include:

  • Total cholesterol.
  • LDL-C.
  • HDL-C.
  • Triglyceride levels.

Total cholesterol is the result of adding HDL, LDL, and 20% of the triglyceride levels. This talks about the overall cholesterol in the body. Also, these numbers are essential to calculate the cholesterol ratio.

Cholesterol ratio is a division of the total cholesterol number by the HDL number. It should always be below 5, with an optimal average number of 3.5 for males. For females, the maximum would be 4.4 and the average 3.3. The increase in this ratio above the limits is in association with cardiovascular complications.

Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease or high risk of having it, and possible familial hypercholesterolemia could benefit from these other measurements:

  • Lipoprotein A.
  • Apolipoprotein B.
  • Apolipoprotein A1.

What The Study Showed

Cholesterollevelschart Is Hyperlipidemia The Same As High ...

Researchers randomly assigned 296 people at high risk of cardiovascular disease participating in the PREDIMED study to one of three diets for a year.

Those diets were a traditional Mediterranean diet enriched with virgin olive oil a traditional Mediterranean diet enriched with extra nuts and a healthy control diet that reduced consumption of red meat, processed food, high-fat dairy products, and sweets.

Only the control diet reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels. None of the diets increased HDL levels significantly.

But the Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil improved key HDL functions, including helping the body remove excess cholesterol from arteries, serving as an antioxidant, and keeping blood vessels open all of which reduce cardiovascular risk.

The results among the three groups were relatively similar because the modifications of the Mediterranean diet were modest and the control diet was a healthy one, researchers said.

The study was published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

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Why Should I Lower My Cholesterol

Evidence strongly indicates that high cholesterol can increase the risk of:

This is because cholesterol can build up in the artery wall, restricting the blood flow to your heart, brain and the rest of your body. It also increases the risk of a blood clot developing somewhere in your body.

Your risk of developing coronary heart disease also rises as your blood’s cholesterol level increases. This can cause pain in your chest or arm during stress or physical activity .

What Medications Are Used For Hyperlipidemia

People who need medicine to treat their high cholesterol usually take statins. Your provider may order a different type of medicine if:

  • You cant take a statin.
  • You need another medicine in addition to a statin.
  • You have familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic problem that makes your bad cholesterol number extremely high.

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Procedures To Reduce Cholesterol

Medical procedures that lower cholesterol levels are reserved for people with very high levels of LDL cholesterol that do not respond to diet and lipid-lowering drugs. Such people include those with familial hypercholesterolemia. LDL apheresis is the most commonly done procedure. LDL apheresis is a non-surgical procedure where blood is drawn from the person and the LDL component is separated from the rest of the blood in a special machine. The blood is then returned to the person.

What Constitutes A High Cholesterol Level

Hyperlipidemia (High Cholesterol)

Doctors use several numbers when determining the status of your cholesterol. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, these are the current guidelines:

Total cholesterol:

less than 200 milligrams per deciliter
borderline high

Low-density lipoprotein , or bad cholesterol the type of cholesterol that builds up in arteries:


High-density liproprotein , or good cholesterol the type that helps remove cholesterol from arteries:

40 mg/dL or lower

As to what causes high cholesterol, a number of factors may be involved. Diet, weight, and physical activity can affect cholesterol levels, but so can genes, age, and gender.

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What Is A Lipid And How Is Their Metabolism

Firstly, I must explain to you what is a lipid, which one of them is in the blood, and what is their function in the body.

A lipid is a molecule that does not simply dissolve in water this is essential because it allows them to fulfill most of their roles in the body. The main functions of them comprise storing energy, communication between cells, and providing most of the cell surrounding structure.

Here we are going to focus more on three specific molecules, although the existence of way more of them. There are fat molecules that stand for triglycerides. Then, there are fatty acids , and cholesterol .

The body transports these molecules by particular a protein called lipoprotein.These have a division based on their density:

  • Chylomicrons.
  • Low-density lipoproteins .
  • High-density lipoproteins .

Chylomicrons are very large, and they are formed in the intestines carrying dietary triglycerides and cholesterol to the liver and tissues.

Then, VLDL is synthesized in the liver because of chylomicrons degradation by the enzyme lipoprotein lipase that takes out triglycerides from it. Similarly, the remnants of VLDL after this process all over again produces the IDL.

The liver clears most of the IDL, but the remnants of it, also due to triglycerides removal covert into LDL. Notably, in this process, enzymes remove triglycerides, so each resulting lipoprotein has a higher cholesterol proportion than its predecessor.

What Is The Difference Between Good Cholesterol And Bad Cholesterol

Good cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein . It removes cholesterol from the bloodstream. Low-density lipoprotein is the bad cholesterol.

If your total cholesterol level is high because of a high LDL level, you may be at higher risk of heart disease or stroke. But, if your total cholesterol level is high only because of a high HDL level, youre probably not at higher risk.

Triglycerides are another type of fat in your blood. When you eat more calories than your body can use, it turns the extra calories into triglycerides.

Changing your lifestyle can improve your cholesterol levels, lower LDL and triglycerides, and raise HDL.

Your ideal cholesterol level will depend on your risk for heart disease.

  • Total cholesterol level less than 200 is best, but it depends on your HDL and LDL levels.
  • LDL cholesterol levels less than 130 is best, but this depends on your risk for heart disease.
  • HDL cholesterol levels 60 or higher reduces your risk for heart disease.
  • Triglycerides less than 150 milligrams per deciliter is best.

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Is Dyslipidemia A Heart Condition

Dyslipidemia is not heart disease or condition. It is a metabolic disorder that tends to cause blood vessel or vascular disease, which ends up directly affecting the heart. Therefore, dyslipidemia is a disease that causes complications, and they are mostly found in this organ, among others.

Importantly as we just saw, dyslipidemia, among other diseases, plays a significant role in promoting and the progression of atherosclerosis, which is in direct relation to coronary artery disease, hence heart disease.

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease yields awful complications. Coronary artery disease could end on a heart attack and overall heart dysfunction and illness.

A thorough description of the cardiovascular and other complications of dyslipidemia will be in the complications question.

Take Steps To Control Both Risk Factors

Pin on Cholesterol

The good news is that both of these risk factors are very manageable. Medications are available that are effective at keeping both high cholesterol and high blood pressure under control. The important thing is to stay in communication with your doctor, and to watch your numbers carefully.

You can also adopt lifestyle changes that can naturally fortify your heart and blood vessels and help you resist any damaging effects. Try these tips:

  • Dont smoke or quit smoking.
  • Stay active exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and work some resistance training in two times a week.
  • Eat a healthy diet that includes lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats like those found in fish and nuts.

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Know Your Numbers And What To Do About Them

When it comes to cholesterol, it’s important to know your numbers. Hyperlipidemia means your blood has too many lipids , such as cholesterol and triglycerides. One type of hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, means you have too much non-HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in your blood. This condition increases fatty deposits in arteries and the risk of blockages.

Another way your cholesterol numbers can be out of balance is when your HDL cholesterol level is too low. With less HDL to remove cholesterol from your arteries, your risk of atherosclerotic plaque and blockages increases.

If youre diagnosed with hyperlipidemia, your overall health and other risks such as smoking or high blood pressure will help guide treatment. These factors can combine with high LDL cholesterol or low HDL cholesterol levels to affect your cardiovascular health. Your doctor may use the ASCVD Risk Calculator to assess your risk of a coronary event in the next 10 years.

The good news is, high cholesterol can be lowered, reducing risk of heart disease and stroke. If youre 20 years or older, have your cholesterol tested and work with your doctor to adjust your cholesterol levels as needed.

Often, changing behaviors can help bring your numbers into line. If lifestyle changes alone dont improve your cholesterol levels, medication may be prescribed. Lifestyle changes include:

Becoming More Physically Active

A sedentary lifestyle lowers HDL cholesterol. Less HDL means theres less good cholesterol to remove bad cholesterol from your arteries.

Physical activity is important. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week is enough to lower both cholesterol and high blood pressure. And you have lots of options: brisk walking, swimming, bicycling or even yard work can fit the bill.

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Causes And Risk Factors

Hyperlipidemia is an imbalance of cholesterol in your blood caused by a combination of having too much LDL cholesterol and not enough HDL cholesterol to clear it up.

There are two main classifications of hyperlipidemia: familial and acquired. The familial type stems from genes you inherit from your parents.

The acquired type is the result of:

  • underlying health conditions
  • lifestyle choices

Can I Pass Fh To My Kids

Hyperlipidemia (High Cholesterol) at Cook Children’s

If you inherited FH from one parent, theres a 50% chance youll pass it on to your children. If both of your parents passed the FH trait to you, your children will definitely have FH. Thats why its crucial to get children with a family history tested at an early age and begin cholesterol-reducing treatment for those with FH.

People with FH are usually not diagnosed until their 30s or 40s or later. Unfortunately, far too few are diagnosed as children. But early treatment can significantly impact a persons lifetime cardiovascular health by lowering their long-term exposure to high cholesterol levels, Martin advises. The treatment keeps their arteries healthier and prevents premature heart attacks and strokes.

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How Can I Reduce My Risk Of Hyperlipidemia

Even children can get their blood checked for high cholesterol, especially if someone in the childs family had a heart attack, stroke or high cholesterol. Children and young adults can get checked every five years.

Once you reach middle age, you should have your cholesterol checked every year or two. Your healthcare provider can help you decide how often you should have a hyperlipidemia screening.

Are There Any Treatments For High Cholesterol Levels Caused By Genetics

Usually, the first line of treatment for high cholesterol is lifestyle modification, but if you have FH youll need more advanced treatment. Its always important to eat a low-fat diet, exercise and control your weight. Having a healthy lifestyle is crucial for heart health and for overall health, says Martin. However, people with FH could eat an extremely low-fat diet and still not be able to control their cholesterol because theyre genetically unable to handle it. For them, cholesterol is going to build up in the bloodstream regardless of what they eat.

Fortunately, there are medications that can substantially lower LDL cholesterol levels. The most common treatment for FH is statin drug therapy. Statin drugs work by blocking an enzyme that produces cholesterol in the liver and increases your bodys ability to remove cholesterol from the blood. They can lower your LDL cholesterol levels by 50 percent or more. Statins have been safely used to reduce the risk of heart disease for 30 years and continue to be the number one option when it comes to helping people with FH.

Other treatment options include medications that block cholesterol from being absorbed from your intestines into your bloodstream, or drugs that block an enzyme called PCSK9, which reduces the amount of LDL cholesterol in your blood.

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What Is The Icd 10 Code For Elevated Ldl

4.7/5ICD10codegiven here

Diagnosis Index entries containing back-references to Z13.220:

  • Cholesterol. elevated E78.00. ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code E78.00. Pure hypercholesterolemia, unspecified.
  • Screening Z13.9. ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code Z13.9. Encounter for screening, unspecified. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Billable/Specific Code POA Exempt.

Beside above, is e78 4 a billable code? E78. 4 is a billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis of other hyperlipidemia. A ‘billable code‘ is detailed enough to be used to specify a medical diagnosis.

Consequently, what is pure hypercholesterolemia unspecified?

Pure or familial hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which a genetic anomaly causes high cholesterol levels. According to the Familial Hypercholesterolemia Foundation, an estimated 1 in 250 people worldwide have pure or familial hypercholesterolemia. However, it does increase a person’s risk of heart disease.

What is DX code e7800?

The ICD code E780 is used to code Familial hypercholesterolemia


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Is Hypercholesterolemia Hereditary?Risk Genetics vs LifestyleSymptoms

  • Bumps or lumps around the knuckles, elbows, and knees, called xanthomas. These are formed when excess cholesterol deposits on tendons or under the skin and may be noticed by a dermatologist.
  • Swollen or painful Achilles tendons . Excess cholesterol may deposit in the tendons, which makes them enlarged and may cause pain.
  • Yellowish areas around the eyes .
  • A white or grey arc near the colored part of the eye . This may be noticed by an ophthalmologist.


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